Why Consistent Shredding Practices Are So Important?

Feb 16, 2023

Document shredding is a standard security and privacy practice for just about every type of business. From employee information to trade secrets and financial accounts, you don’t want documents you handle during day-to-day operations falling into the wrong hands. Maintaining consistent shredding practices makes doing that easy.

Keeping Your Business Organized

One of the primary benefits of maintaining consistent shredding practices is keeping your business organized. Chances are that your business handles quite a few documents, even as many practices transition to digital solutions. You need to make sure that documents aren’t misplaced during handling.

You can schedule routine document shredding to prevent disorganization. On-site secured boxes that are picked up on a regular schedule mean that everyone knows where documents to be shredded go. You don’t have disorganized piles of documents to sort through later.

If you do instead rely on stacks and boxes of documents that you’ll sort through once a year (or even less often), mistakes could be made. You might find yourself shredding documents you actually meant to hold onto or vice versa.

Preventing Sensitive Information Breach

The most important reason businesses choose shredding is to prevent the breach of sensitive information. You need to make sure your business doesn’t leak private information to outsiders. Not only can it directly impact your business, but it can leave you open to legal ramifications as well.

Having consistent shredding practices reduces the risk of sensitive information breaches. Leaving documents in storage for extended periods of time or simply completely disorganized greatly increases the risk. Documents can be lost or forgotten, eventually ending up in the wrong hands.

With scheduled shredding pickups, you don’t have to worry about stored documents being compromised. Instead, you deal with them in a timely manner and ensure that breaches don’t happen.

Reducing Your Costs

Your business can also reduce costs by relying on consistent shredding practices. If you wait to schedule one-time mass shredding, you’ll likely spend more. Not only can the shredding expense be higher, but you have to waste employees’ time sorting through accumulated documents.

Overall, this can lead to a significant expense. Routine pickup is much more economical and saves money both directly and by reducing unnecessary labor. You can also ensure that your shredding needs are met accurately without requiring more or less capacity than you really need.

You’ll also save money on storage related to documents. Depending on the size and nature of your business, stored documents can take up space that would be more efficiently used otherwise. You might even need off-site storage space to accommodate the lack of available space.

Set Up Consistent Shredding for Your Business

Secure Enterprise Asset Management (SEAM) can handle secure shredding for your business in South Dakota and North Dakota. You can improve security, save money, and maintain a more organized workplace with routine pickups from our shredding service.

We provide secure document destruction through both regular pickups of secure on-site bins and also our mobile shredding service. You can contact our team today to learn more about your shredding options.

SEAM provides IT recycling and data destruction services including onsite shredding and hard drive wiping to South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and Nebraska.

Schedule a pickup or contact us for more information.