What is Witnessed Shredding and What is Its Value?

Apr 7, 2020

There are plenty of instances in which it is wise for businesses to outsource tasks to third-party vendors staffed by experienced professionals.  You may hire a reliable CPA to manage your bookkeeping and tax filing; work with a managed service provider (MSP) to gain a team of IT experts who can manage your networking and security needs; or hire a weekly cleaning crew to come in and vacuum and dust your offices, just for example.

Many South Dakota businesses also need the services of a certified ITAD service provider to shred documents and electronic devices (hard drives and so on) containing sensitive, protected data.  However, you may worry that once these items leave your premises, they could end up anywhere, from local landfills to overseas e-waste dumping grounds.  What assurances do you have that your shredding partner is actually delivering on advertised services?

This is where witnessed shredding comes in, and it can be a valuable tool, not only for compliance, but also peace of mind.  What is witnessed shredding and what benefits does it infer?

What is Witnessed Shredding?

As the name implies, this type of shredding occurs under the watchful eyes of business owners.  How does the process work?  Regardless of the type of shredding you choose, you can use locking bins provided by your shredding partner to securely collect any documents or electronic devices slated for shredding.

However, when your ITAD partner arrives for scheduled pickup, instead of simply emptying the bins and going on their way, they’ll use a mobile shredding unit to dispose of collected items while you watch, so you know the job has been properly completed.  Afterward, you’ll receive a Certificate of Destruction and Recycling for your records, and the remains will be transported to a secure facility for recycling, in keeping with applicable privacy and environmental laws.

What’s the Alternative?

While many businesses appreciate the opportunity to engage in witnessed shredding, you may not find it necessary when you’re working with a trusted ITAD service provider, especially one that submits to certification and oversight by lauded organizations like R2 and eStewards, works only with vetted downstream partners, and employs strict no-export and no-landfill policies.  In this case, you could opt for regular pickup and secure off-site shredding.

Still, you naturally want some amount of oversight, which is why you should seek a partner that offers transparency through a 24/7 client portal that allows you to track the progress of shredding or erasing devices by serial number, along with detailed reporting.

Benefits of Witnessed Shredding

The main benefit of choosing witnessed, on-site shredding, of course, is that you have first-hand knowledge that the job was done right.  This is wise from a compliance standpoint, since it eliminates chain of custody concerns, but it also provides peace of mind.  Plus, there’s no extra charge for the service.  As mentioned, you may not find this step necessary once you have been working with a reliable, certified ITAD service provider for a while.

If your South Dakota business is in need of a certified ITAD service provider that offers both witnessed shredding and secure off-site options, contact the reputable and reliable professionals at SEAM today at 605-274-7326 (SEAM) or online to request a quote.

SEAM provides IT recycling and data destruction services including onsite shredding and hard drive wiping to South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and Nebraska.

Schedule a pickup or contact us for more information.