The Risks of Letting Documents Pile Up in Your Workspace

Jun 6, 2023

As a business owner in South Dakota or North Dakota, you have countless company needs to keep in mind. As a result, the stacks of paper and documents accumulating in your workplace may just be at the bottom of your priority list.

However, letting those documents accumulate can pose several risks to your business, including significant ones like data breaches and legal repercussions. Utilizing professional document shredding services should be on your to-do list.

Data Breach Risks

A serious risk associated with letting documents pile up in your workplace includes data breaches. Those documents around your workspace may contain confidential information, such as:

  • Customer details
  • Financial data
  • Trade secrets

These items can easily fall into the wrong hands if they are not appropriately managed and disposed of. The consequences of a data breach can be catastrophic and may damage your reputation, cause financial losses, and even lead to legal action.

Loss of Productivity

Cluttered workspaces piled high with random documents can negatively impact your team’s productivity. Sorting through disorganized paperwork is time-consuming and can cause your employees to lose focus. The last thing you want is to waste time that could be better spent on tasks that actually generate revenue.

Furthermore, cluttered workspaces contribute to visual and mental clutter for your team. Not only can this decrease motivation, but it can also increase stress, which further reduces employee productivity.

Legal and Compliance Risks

Businesses located in South Dakota and North Dakota must adhere to several state and federal regulations regarding the handling and disposal of sensitive information. Failure to dispose of confidential documents properly can lead to devastating legal consequences and hefty fines.

If you’re not adequately managing your documents, you put your business at risk of non-compliance with regulations such as HIPAA, FACTA, and GLBA. Not being in compliance with these regulations can also result in financial and civil penalties. You may further be subject to audits and monitoring from regulatory agencies, which can reduce company productivity.

The SEAM Difference

To avoid these risks altogether, you should partner with a professional document shredding service like SEAM. SEAM is located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, but offers mobile document shredding services that cater exclusively to businesses in Sioux Falls and the surrounding areas.

Our services ensure that your sensitive documents are adequately destroyed, which provides you with peace of mind while ensuring you comply with general business regulations. SEAM is also NAID AAA certified for onsite hard drives and solid-state shredding, meaning you can trust us to securely destroy electronic data as well.

Avoiding Risks with SEAM

Don’t let the risks of letting documents pile up in your workspace jeopardize your company’s security and success. Partnering with the document-shredding professionals at SEAM allows you to protect your business, safeguard customers’ confidential information, and maintain compliance.

Take the first step toward a clutter-free and secure workspace: contact SEAM today to learn more about our mobile document shredding and data destruction services.

SEAM provides IT recycling and data destruction services including onsite shredding and hard drive wiping to South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and Nebraska.

Schedule a pickup or contact us for more information.