The Role of Data Destruction in Disaster Recovery Planning

May 7, 2024

No business wants to face the threat of a digital disaster. Struggling with things like file loss, corruption, and security breaches can take a toll on your operations. With that in mind, disaster recovery planning is extremely important for your organization.

Among your business’s disaster recovery plans, data destruction should be a key component. It ensures that, should anything actually go wrong, you don’t have to worry about sensitive data getting into the wrong hands.

What Is Disaster Recovery All About?

For security purposes, your business needs several copies of each important file, program, and digital system. Acquiring these isn’t always possible on your own, but a quality data recovery team can make it happen.

At their core, disaster recovery plans focus on what your tech team can do to restore lost or corrupted files, secure your digital systems against future cyberattacks, and rebuild after an external event (like a hurricane or tornado). They involve setting up ways to get back into your initial programs and systems through the use of backup copies of files.

However, after you make backups, that data will eventually fall out of usefulness and accuracy. If you don’t use extra digital information or need to create new backups, data destruction is incredibly important.

Avoiding Leaks and Theft: How to Destroy Old Data

Data destruction prevents sensitive information from escaping your digital systems and ending up in the hands of bad actors. These could be hackers, competitors, or white-collar criminals. As such, you must always prioritize the complete destruction of unused, inaccurate, and old data in one of these two ways:

Wiping: Clearing Hard Drives and Solid States

When you simply need to start over or clear your tracks, thorough digital wiping services for solid states and hard drives are incredibly valuable for your business. At SEAM, we ensure that nothing is salvageable from the hardware, including files, systems, or programs.

Hardware Shredding

If you need to completely get rid of old hardware that you no longer use or want, shred it all! Our premium on-site solid state and hard drive shredding services are NAID AAA certified. You can trust our process to get rid of hardware that could compromise your business operations.

Benefits of Total Data Destruction in Disaster Recovery Plans

Permanently destroying your older data and hardware might sound a bit overkill at first, but it is well worth the time and money spent to do so. After all, most of what you’d be getting rid of is unusable or out of date anyway.

And even then, there are several benefits that total data destruction provides, such as:

  • Peace of mind
  • Reduced efficacy of cyberattacks
  • Increased trust between you and employees or business partners
  • Customer data privacy and protection
  • Greater financial security

At the end of the day, you can’t go wrong by getting rid of old data and hardware with data destruction handled by a shredding services provider like SEAM.

Choose SEAM for Your Data Destruction Needs

At SEAM, our team works with businesses in the Sioux Falls and surrounding area, enhancing their operations and internal security. You may very well be the next of our many satisfied clients. Learn more about our data destruction process today!

SEAM provides IT recycling and data destruction services including onsite shredding and hard drive wiping to South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and Nebraska.

Schedule a pickup or contact us for more information.