4 Reasons to Get Rid of Your Paper Shredder and Hire the Experts

Mar 28, 2023

There are a variety of important reasons to safeguard your customers’ personally identifiable information (PII). After all, they are placing their trust in you by supplying that information in the first place.

Beyond mere courtesy, there are also ordinances and regulations that your business is required to adhere to. These regulations mandate the safe destruction of all PII, whether it be in paper or digital form.

If your business is involved in a situation where PII is leaked due to someone’s failure to follow established procedures, the results can be devastating. To minimize the chances of error, it is best to leave certain tasks to the professionals. One way to do this is by entrusting your paper and data shredding needs to a professional shredding company.

If you’re on the fence about whether your business would benefit from these services, here are 4 great reasons to get rid of your paper shredder and hire the experts.

1. Prevent Internal Leaks

Rather than leaving sensitive documents in a bin where they could be lost or stolen, sidestep the situation entirely by hiring a professional shredding company.

Once you schedule a pickup, the technician will meet you on-site, collect your documents, and safely and securely transport them to the shredder. Many companies even have mobile shredding vans, meaning the documents could be destroyed before they leave your location.

2. Maximize Productivity

Hiring a professional shredding company takes one more thing off your plate and allows you to focus your attention elsewhere. You will have peace of mind knowing your customers’ PII is in the hands of trained individuals who understand the process of secure data destruction.

Additionally, professional shredding companies will adhere to the industry’s best practices and have professional equipment that will put your office shredder to shame.

3. Save Money in the Long Term

If you are involved in a situation where a customer’s PII is stolen, your company could be fined. Additionally, bad PR could affect your bottom line.

Rather than risking the chances of something like this happening, hiring a professional shredding company will ensure that all PII is destroyed in a manner compliant with industry rules and regulations. While it may cost you more up front, it has lucrative long-term advantages.

4. Maximize Your Convenience

Running a business takes time and effort. When it comes to document shredding, why not maximize your convenience by letting the technicians come to you? If the company you hire has a mobile shredding truck, they can destroy your documents on-site. Or, they’ll have a secure method of transporting the documents to their destination, where the documents will be promptly destroyed.

Get in Touch with the Experts Today

If you need secure document destruction or paper shredding services in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, contact SEAM today. Our team of document destruction specialists will ensure your documents are safely disposed of in compliance with state and federal law.

SEAM provides IT recycling and data destruction services including onsite shredding and hard drive wiping to South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and Nebraska.

Schedule a pickup or contact us for more information.